Are you interested in doing your bachelor’s / master’s thesis project with me? Feel free to get in touch to discuss this possibility!
Before sending me a request for supervision, I would like to ask you to check out this document where I detail the type of information that I need to be able to assess your request and come up with a project that best fits your profile and our shared interests.
Daniel Gomon (2021-25;
co-supervisors: Marta Fiocco and Hein Putter)
PhD student in Statistics
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Ioannis Liolios (2024-25)
MSc in Mathematics
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Xiang Li (2025)
MSc in Statistics and Data Science
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Wouter Ockers (2025)
BSc in Mathematics
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Jana Krabbendam (2025; cosupervisor: Pietro
BSc in Mathematics
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University + Department of Human
Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center
Jelle Hazenbosch (2023-25; external supervisor:
Marjolijn Das)
MSc in Statistics and Data Science
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University + Centrale Bureau voor de
Thesis title: Using registration data to evaluate social induction
of solar panel adoption
Astrid Stulemeijer (2023-25; external
supervisor: Christian Steglich)
MSc in Statistics and Data Science
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University + Department of Sociology,
University of Groningen
Thesis title: Measurement error in longitudinal social network data:
the sensitivity of stochastic actor-oriented models
Eugenia Driusso (2023-24; internal supervisor:
Alessandra Brazzale, co-supervisor: Ernst Wit)
MSc in Statistical Science
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University + Department of Statistics,
University of Padova
Thesis title: Statistical modelling of time-stamped hypergraphs: a
model-based clustering approach
Lana Broer (2023-24; external supervisor:
Alessio Crippa)
MSc in Statistics and Data Science
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University + Department of Medical
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institute
Thesis title: Investigating the prognostic value of
prostate-specific antigen in metastatic prostate cancer: a joint
modeling and landmark approach
Eva Rovan (2022-24; co-supervisor: Salvatore
BSc in Mathematics
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Thesis title: In the Shadows of History: A Competing Risks Analysis
of Child Mortality in 19th Century Amsterdam
Sophie Retif (2022-23; internal supervisor:
Francesca Ieva)
MSc in Mathematical Engineering
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University + Department of Mathematics,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan
Thesis title: Dynamic prediction of survival with many longitudinal
predictors: an empirical evaluation
Henk van der Pol (2022-23)
MSc in Mathematics
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Project title: A comparison of methods for the selection of the
tuning parameters in penalized regression
Yibin Feng (2022)
MSc in Statistics and Data Science
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Thesis title: An empirical evaluation of methods for the prediction
of survival with many longitudinally-measured predictors
Gergely Talyigas (2021; co-supervisor: Marta
MSc in Statistics for the Life and Behavioural Sciences
Mathematical Institute, Leiden University
Thesis title: A systematic comparison of methods for the validation
of binary classification models
Frank Lefeber (2017; co-supervisor: Ernst
MSc in Education and Communication in Mathematics and Natural
Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Groningen
Thesis title: Heterogeneity for the Stochastic Blockmodel and the
Issue of Separation in Political Networks
Harmen Dijkstra (2016; co-supervisor: Ernst
MSc in Mathematics
Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Groningen
Thesis title: Generalized linear models for network